abc Electrical
Registered trusted trader

01563 760 999 (Kilmarnock)
01294 588 888 (Irvine)
01292 409 099 (Ayr)​
Since 1st December 2016 landlords in Scotland have been required to have a SATISFACTORY electrical certificate for all new and existing leases.
Landlords must have an EICR electrical report carried out in a property PRIOR to letting
Carry out any remedial works required to make the install safe
Install MAINS POWERED, INTERLINKED smoke and HEAT detectors
Ensure ANY electrician the landlord uses meets the requirements
Install CARBON MONOXIDE detectors where required
Provide copies of the certificates to the tenant prior to letting
Maintain the electrical (and other) systems in the dwelling throughout the lease

Smoke and Heat detectors

CO- Carbon Monoxide detector

Electrical Certificates
Landlords must install, maintain and mains powered smoke detectors in their private rental dwelling.
There should be a BS 5839 Pt 6 certificate for mains smoke derctors
Landlords are required to install and maintain CO (carbon monoxide) detector(s) in most properties (usually not needed for all electric homes)
Private sector landlords should have the following certificates :
BS 5839 smoke detector certificate
EICR (electrical installation condition report)
Landlords need other certificates (such as Gas ones) which are not dealt with here

All appliances provided in the property at the start of the tenancy are the responsibility of the landlord.
These should be part of any electrical report